SQL Advise API


This OpenAPI is in Alpha stage, we may change it in the future.

The SQL Advise API provides SQL checks based on your schema review policy.


Before you start, you should configure the schema review policy on a specific environment. Please check Schema Review for more information.


GET http://localhost:8080/v1/sql/advise

curl http://localhost:8080/v1/sql/advise \
  -G --data-urlencode '{SQL statement}' \
  -d 'environment={environment name}' \
  -d 'databaseType={database type}

Query parameters

environmentRequiredThe environment name for your schema review policy. Case sensitiveDev
statementRequiredThe SQL statement.SELECT * FROM `table`
hostOptionalThe instance host. Available values: MySQL, PostgreSQL, TiDB.
portOptionalThe instance port. Available values: MySQL, PostgreSQL, TiDB.3306
databaseNameOptionalThe database name in the instance.DB Name
databaseTypeOptionalThe database type. Required if port, host, and databaseName are not specified. Available values: MySQL, PostgreSQL, TiDB.MySQL

Once you have created the schema review policy in the Bytebase UX, you can call the SQL Advise API with environment, statement, and databaseType parameters. This will conduct the SQL check against statements without database catalog information.

You can also create the instance and database in the UX, then call the API with environment, statement, host, port, and databaseName parameters. This will allow the API to retrieve the database catalog information and assist the SQL check.

Response body

    "code": "number",
    "content": "string",
    "status": "string",
    "title": "string"
  • code: The error code. Check error code for advisor for details.
  • content: The error message.
  • status: The SQL check status, should be SUCCESS, WARN or ERROR.
  • title: The schema review rule type. See the list of supported rules.

Response codes

400One of the provided values in the request query is invalid.
500Internal server error



curl http://localhost:8080/v1/sql/advise \
  -G --data-urlencode 'statement=SELECT * FROM `table`' \
  -d environment=Dev \
  -d databaseType=MySQL


    "status": "ERROR",
    "code": 203,
    "title": "statement.select.no-select-all",
    "content": "\"SELECT * FROM `table`\" uses SELECT all"
    "status": "ERROR",
    "code": 202,
    "title": "statement.where.require",
    "content": "\"SELECT * FROM `table`\" requires WHERE clause"


curl http://localhost:8080/v1/sql/advise \
  -G --data-urlencode 'statement=SELECT id FROM `table` WHERE id = 1' \
  -d environment=Dev \
  -d databaseType=MySQL


    "status": "SUCCESS",
    "code": 0,
    "title": "OK",
    "content": ""


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